Friday, April 16, 2010


Yet another quick drawing from my sketchbook.

Starbucks Girl

A start and finish view of a portrait I did of a friend. I actually prefer the less finished version over the final one. I feel I over worked it, but she loved it. I guess that's all that matters.


A quick drawing of a friend's son done in my Aquabee sketchbook.

Zelda - unfinished

This was the beginning stage of a portrait that I did of a friend. Unfortunately I handed it off before I could get a final scan. The paper I used, which was a smooth bristol board, would not allow me to get the rich darks that I prefer to get. I've since been using a velum bristol but I still prefer to use Aquabee drawing paper. It seems to have the grain and tooth that I want and allows me the rich darks that I love.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Daniel Craig

A drawing from my sketchbook of Daniel Craig. I didn't really put much time into this piece since it was only meant as something to keep my busy at that time. Still, I think it came out quite nice.


One of my earlier grahite drawings. I can't really call this one a portrait but I'll fit it in this category anyway. I adjusted the darks and lights in photoshop, a little too much if you ask me. I now prefer to leave the drawings raw (without much digital adjustments).

Bogey 3 - Graphite

My third and final Humphrey Bogart. "Here's lookin' at you, kid."